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Roma in Eastern Europe

Albania Bulgaria Romania Ukraine Romania

History of the Roma
Roma-gypsies probably originate from India and at the end of the Middle Ages, migrated to Europe. In Romania they have had a very hard life for a=2 0very long time. They were treated as slaves by the Romanian aristocracy. Not until 1850 was this slavery  abolished. Many of them then fled to the west; others looked for shelter in distant parts. Names of Romanian villages like Slobozia (liberation) or Amareasteni (bitterness) still remind  us of  that period. Freedom, anyway, brought them little progress, for everywhere they were despised, discriminated against and excluded by the citizen population. This is still going on until today. The Roma live on the outer edges of towns and villages and have to do without the most basic conveniences. The current circumstances of the Roma in several other eastern European countries is not much better.
General informations
Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands
(Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan
te Krimpen aan de Lek)

Direct donations to Child Sponsor Programme Netherlands

Attn: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan,
PO Box 2098, 2930 AB
Krimpen aan de Lek
Bank account numbers:
ING Bank: IBAN: NL51INGB0006990377

Rabobank: IBAN: NL82 RABO 0333 8113 72

Account name: Stichting Kinder Sponsor Plan, Capelle ad IJssel

Governing board
Mr. H. J. Kesting
Mr. G. van Sabben
Mr. M. J. van der Weide
See Bord of directors
Board of directors

Jaco van der Sterre

Peter Edelenbosch
(Supervisor Eastern Europe)

Cees Slings
(Field Funding)

Cobi van Sabben
(Financial supervisor)

Contact in Belgium

OostEuropa Zending VZW /
Kinder Sponsor Plan 170
2610 Wilrijk (Antwerp)

Bank account number:
IBAN: BE57 4140 3536 6135
Account name:
OostEuropa Zending VZW Brussels

Online donation
Click here for your donation to
Child Sponsor Programme
(Kinder Sponsor Plan)